New FS eGo and FS510 Upgrade
Now all FS eGo and FS510 series are revising the battery screw side and the electrode sizes. All new sizes can be compatiable with the most used eGo/510 types in the whole market. The new connection between the cartomizer/tank systems with the eGo batteries will work the best.
For example, before we use 8.8mm or 8.6mm electrode inside the cartomizer, now we change it into 9.0mm. Before from the electrode end to the screw end on the battery is 3.7mm for eGo and 3.3mm for 510, but now we all change them into the same size of 4.0mm. This can protect the battery much better and also be compatiable with the other eGo/510 types.
Please see the details in this file: Attachment£º/upload/FSeGo/NewFSeGo510.pdf